Your present position:Home > Results of Submission

For those whose submission has been rejected, we encourage you to continue your valuable research and consider submitting to future conferences or publications.

For those whose abstract(s) has/have been accepted as Oral Presentation:

You are now invited to submit your abstract in standard format (click here to download abstract template) that will be published within the conference proceedings and to submit a full paper (click here to download full paper template) that will be published within one of the partner journals of HIC2024. Please don’t forget to upload your abstract and paper in *.docx format only by 1st of March 2024 on the platform and submit them for review (Click here to upload).

To confirm your participation, please reply to HIC 2024 Secretariat (Email: the next week to indicate whether or not you will be able to attend the conference and present your research. Please note that registration is required for all accepted abstracts. To secure your spot at the congress, please visit our registration page and pay your registration fee. If you have any difficulties with registration or payment, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.


Poster Size Instruction

1. Poster size in cm: 90 width x 120 height. Oversized posters cannot be accommodated.

2. Poster Board Dimension in cm: 100 width x 250 height

3. Recommended Resolution: The final printing resolution of your poster should be at 300 dpi. Resolution below 300 dpi will result in a pixelated image.

4. Poster number will be prepared by secretariat and shown on the poster board. We will also inform you about your poster number prior to the conference starts.

5.  Please prepare your poster based on this template.

Suggestions for parts of a poster:

1.       Title, Authors and Affiliations

2.       Introduction

3.       Materials and Methods

4.       Results

5.       Conclusions

6.       References

7.       Acknowledgments

8.       Contact Information

Time Arrangement:

1.       Poster Attachment: 26th May.

2.       Poster Viewing: 27th-29th May

3.       Poster Removal: 30th May


※ There will be no printing service onsite.

※ Poster Board will be provided at the meeting. But no pin or adhesive tape will be provided, so remember to bring along your poster with the appropriate self-adhesive backing when attending the conference.

On-site Conference Guidelines
1. You will be given the opportunity of Oral Presentation and are asked to prepare a PowerPoint for this presentation. Speakers are kindly requested to use MS PowerPoint in English for their presentations.
2. Presenters are required to submit their presentations to the Congress’s Speaker Ready Room at least half day before their scheduled presentation time to allow verification and transfer to the conference center system. 

Please read the following instructions first before building PPTs.
PowerPoint Instructions
1. Please use the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or higher version* (*.ppt) or (*pptx), to guarantee it can be opened successfully on an on-site PC.
2. We recommend you to save your PowerPoint presentation using PPT(X) format instead of PPS.
3. Please note that we cannot guarantee the quality of Macintosh-based presentations; please check in advance their Windows compatibility.
4. JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images. GIF, TIF or BMP formats will be accepted as well.
5. Movies: Please take steps to compress your videos (Less than 500M). Uncompressed videos will take longer to upload and will not be better quality than a modern MPEG-4 codec. We can only accept movies created as MPGs, WMVs or AVI formats. If you cannot convert the files or have a considerable number of MOV files, please check with a technician in the Speaker Ready Room who can make arrangements to convert the videos for you.
6. Considerations for Mac Users
Please bring your MacBook to the Speaker Ready Room one day prior to your arranged presentation to have a discussion with technician on-site first since keynote cannot be played on Windows.