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Bo Dai
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Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

Dai Bo, Male, Ph.D. in Hydraulic Structural Engineering. Graduated from Hohai University under the supervision of Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Wu Zhongru. As a CSC-sponsored visiting scholar at the National University of Singapore, I primarily engaged in fundamental and applied scientific research in the areas of intelligent monitoring and safety diagnostics of reservoir dams. As a key technical expert, I participated in several national and ministerial-level research projects, including: the 14th Five-Year National Key R&D Program, Major Scientific and Technological Projects of the Ministry of Water Resources, Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the 13th Five-Year National Key R&D Program. I contributed to large-scale engineering research work, such as: Safety monitoring analysis and structural state analysis of Xiangjiaba and Jinping-I reservoirs, Classification and management of reservoir dams in Sichuan Province, Construction of the digital twin platform for Wudu Reservoir in Sichuan Province. I have published 8 SCI indexed papers in authoritative domestic and international journals, with one first-author paper cited up to 147 times.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 17:15-17:30 Conference Room 8 第八会议厅

S3.5 Big-data, knowledge, and water data management (II)

Speaker Enhancing dam safety management using digital twin: application to Jatigede dam in Indonesia