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Agnieszka Indiana Olbert
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University of Galway

Dr Indiana Olbert is a Civil Engineering lecturer, Principal Investigator and Programme Director at the University of Galway. She is leader of EcoHydroInformatics Research Group and carries out research in the areas of marine dynamics, hydrology and aquatic environment. She provides sustainable solutions to environmental and hydro-meteorological issues at global to local scales. She has a vast experience in marine and inland water systems with specialty in flood forecasting and protection, climate change, hydro-morphological dynamics and water quality assessment. Dr. Olbert is an author of +70 publications and PI of >30  research grants. She is a visiting professor, government advisor, consultant, industry expert, contributor to major international and national projects, collaborator with world-class research institutes and international enterprises, and member of several inpternational professional organisations.  






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 13:30-14:45 Conference Room 9 第九会议厅

S2.3 Emerging solutions in modelling methods (II)

2024-05-28 14:00-14:15 Conference Room 9 第九会议厅

S2.3 Emerging solutions in modelling methods (II)

Speaker Can machine learning be used for flood forecasting?