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Xuemei Wang
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China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

Wang Xuemei, a PhD candidate studying at China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), is mainly engaged in the research of flash flood disaster forecasting and warning with the instruction of professor Ding Liuqian and Liu Ronghua. She earned her bachelor's degree at Shandong University in 2020, and earned her master's degree at IWHR in 2023. She has published four papers in high-quality journals such as Journal of Geographical Sciences, Journal of China Hydrology and Yellow River, and has won several honorary titles such as 'Outstanding Graduate Student of IWHR'.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-27 14:15-14:30 Conference Room 6 第六会议厅

S1.2 Technologies for water management and monitoring (I)

Speaker Constructing Design Flood Prediction Models Based on Machine Learning Algorithms in Mountainous Catchments