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Shijun Pan
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Okayama University


Shijun Pan is a D3 Student from Okayama University, Japan. The Research Interest is Applications of deep learning technologies and image processing in river management and river engineering. Seeking research collaboration with Environmental, AI, and remote-sensing researchers. Job internship is in search.


Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, Artificial Intelligence

Skills and expertise

1. Object Detection (YOLOv5/v7/v8)

2. Semantic Segmentation (DeepLabV3+)

3. LiDAR Visualization, (ALB, GLS)

4. Structure From Motion, Photogrammetry

5. AIGC (Stable Diffusion, Large Multi-Modal Model)



1. Application of the Prompt Engineering-assisted Generative AI for the Drone-based Riparian Waste Detection

DOI: 10.11532/jsceiiai.4.2_50

2. Detection and Segmentation of Riparian Asphalt Paved Cracks Using Drone and Computer Vision Algorithms

DOI: 10.11532/jsceiiai.4.2_35

3. Drone-LiDAR-assisted Image Fusion methodology for Deep Learning-based Land Cover Classification

DOI: 10.11532/jsceiii.3.3_15

4.Airborne LiDAR-assisted deep learning methodology for riparian land cover classification using aerial photographs and its application for flood modelling

DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2022.134








Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-27 16:15-16:30 Conference Room 8 第八会议厅

S6.5 Technologies for water management and monitoring (VII)

Speaker Utilizing Smartphone-derived Photogrammetry 3D Model for AI-based Riparian Crack Segmentation and Measurement
2024-05-28 14:15-14:30 Conference Room 9 第九会议厅

S2.3 Emerging solutions in modelling methods (II)

Speaker An Evaluation of Different Annotation Approaches for YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation in UAV Imagery: A Case Study on the UAV-BD Dataset
2024-05-28 15:45-16:00 Conference Room 1第一会议厅

S5.4 Complex water systems, remote sensing and control (II)

Speaker Evaluation of Segment Anything Model for Riparian Land Cover Classification from Aerial Imagery
2024-05-28 16:00-16:15 Conference Room 1第一会议厅

S5.4 Complex water systems, remote sensing and control (II)

Speaker The Interchangeability of the Cross-Platform Data in the Deep Learning-based Land Cover Classification Methodology