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Mingfu Guan
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The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Mingfu Guan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong since September 2018. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Water and Environmental Engineering from University of Leeds, UK in 2014. In 2017, he was awarded high prestigious UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Fellowship. His research mainly focuses on exploring mechanisms, developing modeling approaches, and improving understanding of water-related natural hazards such as flooding and debris flow. As Principal Investigator, he has secured a number of external research grants from HK Research Grants Council, NSFC and UK EPSRC.  His research has led to 41 articles in high-tier journals, including Nature, Nature Water, Nature Sustainability, and Geophysical Research Letters. He is an active member of IAHR, UK Research Council Peer Review College. He is also committee member of IAHR-HK, IAHR-Asia Pacific. 






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-27 13:30-15:15 Conference Room 5 第五会议厅

S5.3 SS9: Modelling and machine learning for understanding flash floods and mitigating their impact on Society

2024-05-27 13:30-13:45 Conference Room 5 第五会议厅

S5.3 SS9: Modelling and machine learning for understanding flash floods and mitigating their impact on Society

Speaker Hydrologic-hydrodynamic modelling for an early signal of flash flooding in mountainous ungauged areas