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Harbin Institute of Technology

PhD student at Harbin Institute of Technology

The main focus is on using new intelligent monitoring equipment to collect high spatial and temporal resolution data to deeply analyze the problem of algae blooms in urban lakes and reservoirs.

The design of a multi-channel and multi-parameter intelligent sensing underwater robot has been completed and used in algae bloom monitoring in Shenzhen Lake Reservoir. During the equipment testing process, a set of widely applicable high spatial and temporal resolution robotic automatic monitoring methods were established and used to trace the source of algal blooms.

Current work: Combining artificial intelligence methods with high spatial and temporal resolution data sets to establish an algal bloom prediction model at high longitudes






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-27 16:30-16:45 Ballroom 金源厅

S2.1 Hydraulic and hydrological modeling (II)

Speaker Chlorophyll Distribution Dynamics in Urban Reservoirs Based on High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Data