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Kai Guo
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Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research

Dr. Kai Guo, Director of the Soil and Water Conservation Information Technology Research Laboratory at the Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research, is engaged in interdisciplinary research on soil and water conservation and remote sensing. He has led more than 10 provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects and promotion demonstration projects, and has obtained nearly 20 national invention patents/software copyrights. The report mainly focuses on the business needs of human-induced soil erosion supervision and management, designed a ResNeXt AttU-Net deep learning model to conduct automatic interpretation experiments on human-induced soil erosion patches in the typical watershed of the Fenhe River, and analyzed topography, administrative regions, socioeconomic factors, and other factors of the distribution and dynamic changes of soil erosion.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 09:30-09:45 Conference Room 1第一会议厅

S8.4 Technologies for water management and monitoring (VIII)

Speaker Dynamic Change Analysis of Human-induced Soil Erosion in the Fenhe River Basin from 2020 to 2023