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Joohwan Kim
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Inha Univ.

Dr. Juhwan, Kim, research professor of Inha university, former vice president of Dream Engineering company and director general of Water Research Center of Korea Water Resource Corporation(K-water), is a specialist for hydraulic, water quality management and rehabilitation of water pipe network, who has performed research projects till this July in K-water Research Institute since 1994 after finishing doctorial course with statistics as a subspecialty. Also, he is a certified data analyst for big-data and artificial intelligence in the field of hydrology and water related data analysis for the operation and management of water facilities.

He granted a Ph.D in Civil Engineering from Korean Inha University in August., 1993 with sub-major statistics. As a member of water and wastewater committee in Korea Water Resources Association and Korean Society of Civil Engineers etc., he has been playing an important role as a chief water supply area and an advisor to coordinate Korean smart water management in water supply systems.

Functions of his academic activities consist in development of planning and designing technologies either hydraulics and water quality aspects, water demand forecasting for water facilities’ planning and operation, leakage reduction in water distribution systems, decision-making support for rehabilitation/replacement of water pipes, data mining including time series analysis of water related data, information in order to implement Korea. Over two hundred academic papers and over six publications related with water pipe network.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 09:30-09:45 Conference Room 8 第八会议厅

S8.1 SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change

Speaker Prediction of Residual Chlorine Concentration using Machine Learning Algorithms for Water Quality Control in AI Water Treatment Plant