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Dr. Xiaosheng Qin is currently an Associate Professor with School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hunan University, China, and PhD degree from University of Regina, Canada. Dr. Qin mainly teaches Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests focus mainly on the topics of water resource systems modelling and urban environmental resources management. Dr. Qin has served as local panel of experts on climate modeling sponsored by BCA from 2011 to 2014 and worked (as PI or Co-PI) on many research projects supported by Singapore governmental agencies such as MND, BCA, MOE, JTC, NParks, EOS, and EWI. Dr. Qin is currently the Associate Editors for Journal of Environmental Informatics and Water Science and Technology, and serves (or served) as board members, and guest editors for 7 international journals. Dr. Qin was invited as reviewers for over 50 scientific journals and produced over 180 scientific publications (peer-reviewed journal & conference papers) with total citations at 3248 and H-index at 34 according to Web of Science record as of Dec 2023. Dr. Qin’s name was featured in World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2022 and 2023 by Stanford University.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 16:30-16:45 Conference Room 6 第六会议厅

S5.1 Hydraulic and hydrological modeling (V)

Speaker Assessment of joint probabilistic behavior of fine-resolution rainfall and its impact on prediction of urban hydrological peak flows