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Killian Gleeson
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University of Sheffield

Dr. Killian Gleeson is a Research Associate in Drinking Water Quality Analytics at the University of Sheffield, UK. Killian completed his PhD in 2023, entitled "Decoding Distribution Data: Extracting Actionable Information from Drinking Water Distribution System Water Quality Time Series". This PhD was part of the EPSRC Water Infrastructure and Resilience (WIRe) CDT (Centre for Doctoral Training), with Siemens as the industrial sponsor. After completion, Killian has continued to develop analytics for drinking water quality sensor data, as part of the OFWAT Innovation Fund project "Water Quality as a Service: Treatment 2 Tap". Killian also holds an MSc in Environmental and Energy Engineering from the University of Sheffield, a BEng in Mechanical Engineering from University College Dublin, and has 4 years of experience working as a data scientist in the test engineering industry.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-29 09:45-10:00 Ballroom 金源厅

S7.3 Digital transformation of urban water systems (I)

Speaker Assessing Mixing in Service Reservoirs to Protect Drinking Water Quality