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Kai Wang
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Huaihe River Water Resources Commission Bureau for Hydrology

Wang Kai, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, High level Water Resources Talent, Deputy Director (Deputy Director) of the Hydrological Bureau (Information Center) of the Huai River Commission. He has successively won many provincial and ministerial honors such as "Young Scientific and Technological Talents in Water Conservancy", "Young Top Talents in Water Conservancy", "Meritorious Commendation of the Ministry of Water Resources", "Most Beautiful Water Conservancy Person Nomination Award", "International Talents in Water Conservancy", "Advanced Workers in exemplary individual Province", "Upwardly Good Youth in Anhui Province", etc.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-27 16:45-17:00 Conference Room 1第一会议厅

S2.6 SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions

Speaker Key technology of “four pre” system for fl ood control of digital twin Huaihe Key technology of “four pre” system for flood control of digital twin Huaihe River