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Yinglin Wang
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Zhejiang University

Yinglin Wang is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree in the College of Environmental Engineering and Resources Science at Zhejiang University, under supervision of Prof. Liang Zhu. Her overseas studying experience began from 2012 during high school in Australia. She received her bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Queensland, in 2017. During her undergraduate years, Yinglin's commitment to academic excellence and her passion for urban water management led her to participate in an exchange program at Yonsei University in South Korea. Her current research interests lie in the area of assessment and modeling of sewer network performance for improved operation and maintenance, with a specific focus on sewer blockage diagnosis and modeling.






Date Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-05-28 16:15-16:30 Conference Room 8 第八会议厅

S3.5 Big-data, knowledge, and water data management (II)

Speaker Smart diagnosis and dynamic analysis of key monitoring indicators in urban drainage systems (UDS)