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Call for Special Sessions

The technical program of HIC 2024 will include special sessions on new or emerging topics related to Hydroinformatics. Each special session will consist of 5-6 oral presentations. The special session proposal should contain the following information:

· A title for the special session, the names and contact information of the organizers;

· A brief description of the session (up to one page);

· Brief biographies of the session organizer(s) and their contact details;

· 5-6 tentative papers with title, authors and short abstract.

Special session proposals will be evaluated immediately upon submission based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and qualifications of the proposers. Accepted special sessions will be listed on the HIC 2024 website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals. Organizers should not contribute more than one paper for the special session.

Check the accepted special sessions: https://hic2024.scimeeting.cn/en/web/index/1661_1762532__

Important Dates:

Call for Special Sessions: May 1, 2023

Special session proposals submission deadline: September 15, 2023

Special session proposal submission is still open now!

Notification of Acceptance of the Proposal: immediately upon submission

Proponents of special sessions are invited to submit their proposals in pdf attached to an email to the address contact@hic2024.org, with the Subject line: ‘Special Session Proposal’.

We are looking forward to your proposals!

Call for Abstracts & Papers

The next 15th HIC event provides an ideal forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the Hydroinformatic field; thus, it is a great opportunity for water professionals, academics, researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share their research findings and knowledge. We encourage all interested parties to join the conference and submit their original, high-quality research.

HIC 2024 is intended for:

• Academics and scholars working in the field of hydroinformatics and related subjects;

• Business leaders and practitioners from the water field and hydroinformatic solutions;

• Policy makers and government officials, international institutions and regulatory agencies operating in water sector.


List of main topics

• Technologies for water management and monitoring

• Big-data, knowledge, and water data management

• Emerging solutions in modelling methods (AI, high performance computing, cloud computing).

• Digital transformation of urban water systems

• Hydraulic and hydrological modeling

• Climate change impacts

• Environmental and coastal hydroinformatics

• Complex water systems, remote sensing and control

• COVID-19 pandemic reflected in hydroinformatics

• Water – Energy – Food nexus

• Innovation in education and training in hydroinformatics


Parallel session & poster session submissions 

Authors wishing to make paper presentations during the various sessions must submit an abstract that briefly describes the topic to be presented. Poster presentations are also encouraged for a dedicated Poster Session. In either case, abstracts are subject to the same evaluation procedures, general guidelines and topics applied to papers.

All abstracts must include overview, methodology, results and conclusions, conforming to the structure outlined in the abstract template. Abstracts are limited to no more than 450 words.


Regardless of whether a poster or a paper presentation is requested by authors, it is the Conference Organizers’ discretion to decide whether an abstract will be part of the Concurrent or Poster Sessions.

All selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in SCI or EI journals such as Journal of Hydroinformatics, LHB/Hydroscience, River, etc.

For abstracts submissions please use the following link:https://HIC2024.scimeeting.cn/en/contribute/notes/1661

Important Dates:

Call for Papers: September 1, 2023

Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2023

Abstract submission is still open now! 

Extended Full Papers Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

※ The submission system was closed at 12:00 PM (Beijing Time) on April 30. If you have new abstract to submit, please send it to jenny.lu@iahr.org.