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The esteemed 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics will be convened in Beijing, China, from May 27th to 30th, 2024. On behalf of the local organizing committee and the Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China, I warmly welcome you to this grand event!
The transformative power of information technology has reshaped industries on a global scale, profoundly impacting the sustainable development, utilization, management, and protection of our vital water resources. Water governance presents a complex and multifaceted systematic undertaking. The adoption of digital, networked, and intelligent thinking, strategies, resources, and methods promises to significantly elevate the scientificity, precision, and efficiency of water management decision-making. With this in mind, the conference theme, From Natural to Digital Water: Challenges and Opportunities, underscores the vital role of modern information technology. The conference will delve into its application in the digital twining of water system. This system, equipped with forecasting, early warning, rehearsal, and preplanning functionalities, will empower water resource management and foster the development of new productive forces of the water sector. Through a series of academic discussions and exchanges, the conference aims to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas. Scholars and practitioners from across the globe will share cutting-edge technologies and successful practices in the field of hydroinformatics. This collaborative effort will pave the way for the best solutions and strategies to ensure global water security and achieve the water-related goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Drawing upon its own water governance needs, China actively promotes the development of digital twin technologies. These advancements encompass digital twining of river basins, water networks, and water projects. This pursuit aims to achieve digital mapping, intelligent simulation, and forward-looking rehearsal of the entire water governance and management process. Ultimately, it fosters a deeper integration of traditional water science and technology with the transformative power of modern information technology.
We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share the latest scientific research advancements in the digital twinning of water resources and other captivating hydroinformatics topics with you in Beijing. This gathering promises to inspire academic innovation and cultivate in-depth dialogue and cooperation across disciplines and national borders. Through our collective efforts, I am confident that the conference will build a strong foundation of shared understanding, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and propel the discipline of hydroinformatics towards a future of continued development and technological progress.

We extend our heartfelt wishes for a resounding success to the 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics!

Daoxi Wang 

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Vice Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China