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  • Opening Ceremony
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Plenary
  • Technical Committee Meeting
  • SS1 From models to Decision Support Systems
  • SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions
  • SS3 Water knowledge platforms and applications
  • SS4 Flash Flood Program: Advanced Hydroinformatic approaches for flash flood defence and prevention
  • SS5 Urban flooding and waterlogging
  • SS6 Extreme Drought and its Impacts in a Changing Environment
  • SS7 New remote sensing methods and new products for hydroinformatics solutions
  • SS9 Modelling and machine learning for understanding flash floods and mitigating their impact on Society
  • SS10 Climate Change Impacts on Urban Flooding: Challenges and Innovative Solutions
  • SS11 Marine and Coastal Hydroinformatics
  • SS12 Data-driven risk management of water-related disasters
  • SS13 High-Performance Computing in Hydrodynamics, Hydrology and Hydroinformatics
  • SS15 River and Lake Protection and Intelligent Management
  • SS16: Hybrid Modeling: Bridging Data-Driven and Mechanistic Approaches for Water Management
  • SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change
  • SS20 Hydroinformatics of deep tunnel drainage systems
  • SS21 Return on Experience: operational benefits of hydroinformatics for water utilities and cities
  • Hydraulic and hydrological modeling
  • SUEZ
  • Technologies for water management and monitoring
  • Emerging solutions in modelling methods
  • Complex water systems, remote sensing and control
  • Big-data, knowledge, and water data management
  • Climate change impacts
  • Environmental and coastal hydroinformatics
  • Digital transformation of urban water systems
  • Water – Energy – Food nexus
All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2024-05-27 [Monday]
  • 2024-05-28 [Tuesday]
  • 2024-05-29 [Wednesday]
All Rooms:
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  • Ballroom 金源厅
  • Conference Room 1第一会议厅
  • Conference Room 5 第五会议厅
  • Conference Room 6 第六会议厅
  • Conference Room 7 第七会议厅
  • Conference Room 8 第八会议厅
  • Conference Room 9 第九会议厅
  • International Conference Room 国际会议厅

Conference Room 1第一会议厅

2024-05-27 (UTC+8) Mon

13:30-14:45 (UTC+8) | S2.4 Complex water systems, remote sensing and control (I) [Complex water systems, remote sensing and control]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 13:30-13:45 Oral Presentation

Optimal sequence of replacements in the renovation of water distribution networks (WDNs)

Riccardo Vesipa Politecnico di Torino
2 13:45-14:00 Oral Presentation

Remote sensing-based river discharge estimation for a small river flowing over the high mountain regions of the Tibetan Plateau

Mulugeta Genanu Kebede Addis Ababa University
3 14:00-14:15 Oral Presentation


Meghana Kashyap JSS Science and Technology
4 14:15-14:30 Oral Presentation

A refined global drainage network dataset derived from 30-meter resolution DEM data: Tsinghua Hydro30 V2

Tiejian Li Tsinghua University
5 14:30-14:45 Oral Presentation

Assessment of terrestrial water storage variations and spatial heterogeneity across the Pearl River Basin:The influences of Climate change

Weijin Pan Institute of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou
15:30-17:15 (UTC+8) | S2.6 SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions [SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions]

With the development of hydroinformatics technology, the new challenges and opportunities in the field of digital twin watershed has been widely discussed in many water societies and committees. Comparing with the classical approaches applied in watershed management, the add values of new strategies, methods and tools such as the AI and machine learning approach applied for forecasting and early warning, the integrated distributed hydro-simulations applied for virtually representing the hydro-elements in the catchment, and the high performance computation technology applied for supporting the real-time decision-making process, should be all clearly evaluated in the various digital twin watershed applications. This session will mainly focus on advanced and operational hydroinformatics strategies, methods, and solutions of the implementation of digital twin watershed under different conditions.

NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 15:30-15:45 Invited Speech

Construction of Digital Twin Models for Water Conservancy

Zhongwu Jin Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
2 15:45-16:00 Oral Presentation

A modelling-based mechanism analysis of flood disaster, application of “23•7” catastrophic flood in Daqing River Basin

Ying Wang Hohai University
3 16:00-16:15 Oral Presentation

Flood modeling strategy of digital twin watershed: A case study of “23·7” big flood assessment in Ziya River

Fangrui Dong China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
4 16:15-16:30 Oral Presentation

An integrated modelling strategy of digital twin watersheds, application of digital watershed platform of Dawen River Basin

Siyuan Chang China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
5 16:30-16:45 Invited Speech

Digital Twin Technology Empowers Smart Water Conservancy Construction

Zihan Zhan Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
6 16:45-17:00 Oral Presentation

Key technology of “four pre” system for fl ood control of digital twin Huaihe Key technology of “four pre” system for flood control of digital twin Huaihe River

Kai Wang Huaihe River Water Resources Commission Bureau for Hydrology
7 17:00-17:15 Oral Presentation

Digital twin-based intelligent system for water management and allocation in the Dongjiang River Basin.

Geng Niu China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research