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All Forums:
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  • Opening Ceremony
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Plenary
  • Technical Committee Meeting
  • SS1 From models to Decision Support Systems
  • SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions
  • SS3 Water knowledge platforms and applications
  • SS4 Flash Flood Program: Advanced Hydroinformatic approaches for flash flood defence and prevention
  • SS5 Urban flooding and waterlogging
  • SS6 Extreme Drought and its Impacts in a Changing Environment
  • SS7 New remote sensing methods and new products for hydroinformatics solutions
  • SS9 Modelling and machine learning for understanding flash floods and mitigating their impact on Society
  • SS10 Climate Change Impacts on Urban Flooding: Challenges and Innovative Solutions
  • SS11 Marine and Coastal Hydroinformatics
  • SS12 Data-driven risk management of water-related disasters
  • SS13 High-Performance Computing in Hydrodynamics, Hydrology and Hydroinformatics
  • SS15 River and Lake Protection and Intelligent Management
  • SS16: Hybrid Modeling: Bridging Data-Driven and Mechanistic Approaches for Water Management
  • SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change
  • SS20 Hydroinformatics of deep tunnel drainage systems
  • SS21 Return on Experience: operational benefits of hydroinformatics for water utilities and cities
  • Hydraulic and hydrological modeling
  • SUEZ
  • Technologies for water management and monitoring
  • Emerging solutions in modelling methods
  • Complex water systems, remote sensing and control
  • Big-data, knowledge, and water data management
  • Climate change impacts
  • Environmental and coastal hydroinformatics
  • Digital transformation of urban water systems
  • Water – Energy – Food nexus
All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2024-05-27 [Monday]
  • 2024-05-28 [Tuesday]
  • 2024-05-29 [Wednesday]
All Rooms:
  • All
  • Ballroom 金源厅
  • Conference Room 1第一会议厅
  • Conference Room 5 第五会议厅
  • Conference Room 6 第六会议厅
  • Conference Room 7 第七会议厅
  • Conference Room 8 第八会议厅
  • Conference Room 9 第九会议厅
  • International Conference Room 国际会议厅

International Conference Room 国际会议厅

2024-05-28 (UTC+8) Tue

09:00-10:30 (UTC+8) | S3.2 Technologies for water management and monitoring (III) [Technologies for water management and monitoring]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 09:00-09:15 Oral Presentation

Utilizing AQUARIUS as Water Resource Management Software: A Decision Support Tool in the Operational Area of Jasa Tirta I State-Owned Enterprise, Indonesia

Rasyid Muhammad Amirul Muttaqin Jasa Tirta I State Owned Enterprise
2 09:15-09:30 Oral Presentation

A Hybrid Approach Integrating CE-QUAL-W2 with Neural Network-Based Boundary Condition Prediction in Soyang Reservoir, Republic of Korea.

Sungjin Kim Chungbuk National University
3 09:30-09:45 Oral Presentation

Field Study on Proactive Pipe Condition Assessment using Hydraulic Noise

Wei Zeng the University of Adelaide
4 09:45-10:00 Oral Presentation

Increasing the Performance of the Water Meter Test for Reducing Apparent Loss and Gaining High Productivity with Less Time

Teepagorn Chaladtanyakij Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
5 10:00-10:15 Oral Presentation

Experimental Evaluation of a Pressure Transient Source Localization Method in an Operational Water Distribution Network

Carlos Jara-Arriagada Imperial College London
6 10:15-10:30 Oral Presentation

What Future Holds for China: The Water Resources Availability in the Future Periods Under RCP 2.6 and RCP 6.0 Emission Scenarios

MUHAMMAD BILAL IDREES Dalian University of Technology
13:30-14:30 (UTC+8) | S4.2 Technologies for water management and monitoring (IV) [Technologies for water management and monitoring]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 13:30-13:45 Oral Presentation


Gabriele Freni University of Enna Kore
2 13:45-14:00 Oral Presentation

Channel Flow Field Recognition Method and Application Based on Eagle-eye Bionic Vision

Hairong Gao China Agricultural University College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering
3 14:00-14:15 Oral Presentation

Water quality monitoring of inland waters using remote sensing based on GEE and Sentinel-2 imagery

Wei Jiang China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
4 14:15-14:30 Oral Presentation

A hybrid model of Bin-based and Lagrangian Super-droplet Method to simulate the evolution of cloud droplets

Diran Yan Tsinghua University
15:30-16:30 (UTC+8) | S5.2 Technologies for water management and monitoring (V) [Technologies for water management and monitoring]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 15:30-15:45 Oral Presentation

What happened on the water-sediment interface for the Microbial-mediated Cycling of Biogenic Elements under different Hydrostatic Pressure

Beibei Chai Hebei University of Engineering
2 15:45-16:00 Oral Presentation

Enhancing Safety and Stability in Real-time Optimization Control for Bioreactors in Wastewater Treatment: A TransLSTM-Net-Based Model Predictive Control with Rationality Verification

Weihao Chen Tongji University
3 16:00-16:15 Oral Presentation

A complementary approach of air supply to chute aerator flows

James Yang Vattenfall AB
4 16:15-16:30 Oral Presentation

Assessment of Artificial Recharge Effects Based on Field Measurement Data and Numerical Modeling in Drought-Prone Areas

Gyoo-Bum Kim Daejeon University