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All Forums:
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  • Opening Ceremony
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Plenary
  • Technical Committee Meeting
  • SS1 From models to Decision Support Systems
  • SS2 Digital twins for watersheds: challenges and advanced Hydroinformatic solutions
  • SS3 Water knowledge platforms and applications
  • SS4 Flash Flood Program: Advanced Hydroinformatic approaches for flash flood defence and prevention
  • SS5 Urban flooding and waterlogging
  • SS6 Extreme Drought and its Impacts in a Changing Environment
  • SS7 New remote sensing methods and new products for hydroinformatics solutions
  • SS9 Modelling and machine learning for understanding flash floods and mitigating their impact on Society
  • SS10 Climate Change Impacts on Urban Flooding: Challenges and Innovative Solutions
  • SS11 Marine and Coastal Hydroinformatics
  • SS12 Data-driven risk management of water-related disasters
  • SS13 High-Performance Computing in Hydrodynamics, Hydrology and Hydroinformatics
  • SS15 River and Lake Protection and Intelligent Management
  • SS16: Hybrid Modeling: Bridging Data-Driven and Mechanistic Approaches for Water Management
  • SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change
  • SS20 Hydroinformatics of deep tunnel drainage systems
  • SS21 Return on Experience: operational benefits of hydroinformatics for water utilities and cities
  • Hydraulic and hydrological modeling
  • SUEZ
  • Technologies for water management and monitoring
  • Emerging solutions in modelling methods
  • Complex water systems, remote sensing and control
  • Big-data, knowledge, and water data management
  • Climate change impacts
  • Environmental and coastal hydroinformatics
  • Digital transformation of urban water systems
  • Water – Energy – Food nexus
All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2024-05-27 [Monday]
  • 2024-05-28 [Tuesday]
  • 2024-05-29 [Wednesday]
All Rooms:
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  • Ballroom 金源厅
  • Conference Room 1第一会议厅
  • Conference Room 5 第五会议厅
  • Conference Room 6 第六会议厅
  • Conference Room 7 第七会议厅
  • Conference Room 8 第八会议厅
  • Conference Room 9 第九会议厅
  • International Conference Room 国际会议厅

Conference Room 8 第八会议厅

2024-05-28 (UTC+8) Tue

09:00-10:00 (UTC+8) | S8.1 SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change [SS19 Smart Water Management and Technology in the Era of Climate Change]

As climate change continues to pose unprecedented challenges, our approach to water management must evolve. Extreme weather events, including floods, droughts, and water quality deterioration, underscore the urgent need for innovative solutions.
This session delves into the realm of smart water technology and management, offering a smoother transition towards climate-resilient practices. We'll explore cutting-edge strategies tailored to address the impacts of climate change on water resources. From enhancing water supply and wastewater systems to implementing effective water quality control measures, we'll examine how smart water solutions can mitigate instability and ensure sustainable management practices.
Join us as experts convene to discuss the latest advancements and future pathways in water management, navigating the complexities of climate change with finesse and foresight.

NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 09:00-09:15 Oral Presentation

Intergrated Smart Sewerage Pipe Network System for Preventing Urban Flooding

Junyoung Yoo ECO-I
2 09:15-09:30 Oral Presentation

Future Water Management Vision and Direction of ECOI

Cheolhyun Park ECO-I
3 09:30-09:45 Oral Presentation

Prediction of Residual Chlorine Concentration using Machine Learning Algorithms for Water Quality Control in AI Water Treatment Plant

Joohwan Kim Inha Univ.
4 09:45-10:00 Oral Presentation

Development and Application of an Evaluation Index for Risk Management in Water Distribution Systems

Dong-Woo Jang Incheon National University
13:30-14:30 (UTC+8) | S4.6 SS4 Flash Flood Program: Advanced Hydroinformatic approaches for flash flood defence and prevention (II) [SS4 Flash Flood Program: Advanced Hydroinformatic approaches for flash flood defence and prevention]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 13:30-13:45 Oral Presentation

Real time modeling for Decision Support Systems: needs and gaps

Philippe Gourbesville Université Côte d'Azur - IWHR
2 13:45-14:00 Oral Presentation

Driving factors and refined risk identification framework of flash flood disasters in China

XIAOLEI ZHANG China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
3 14:00-14:15 Oral Presentation

Flash flood disasters assessment of key counties and towns in Yunnan Province

Yu Wang China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
4 14:15-14:30 Oral Presentation

A Dynamic Real-time Heuristic Evacuation Pathfinding Algorithm for Flood Avoidance

Xin Huang Changchun Institute of Technology
15:30-17:30 (UTC+8) | S3.5 Big-data, knowledge, and water data management (II) [Big-data, knowledge, and water data management]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 15:30-15:45 Invited Speech

Designing Water Data Space

Ning Zhou Beijing GIStack Information Technology Co., Ltd
2 15:45-16:00 Oral Presentation

A multivariate methodology for water demand imputation in smart water distribution systems

Andrea Menapace Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
3 16:00-16:15 Oral Presentation

Multi-sensor-based solution for reservoir rainwater monitoring and dam safety monitoring

Heliang Liu Guangzhou Hi-target Satellite &Navigation Technology CO.LTD
4 16:15-16:30 Oral Presentation

Smart diagnosis and dynamic analysis of key monitoring indicators in urban drainage systems (UDS)

Yinglin Wang Zhejiang University
5 16:30-16:45 Oral Presentation

Supervised Learning for CCTV Image Prediction

Jongyun Byun Chung-Ang University
6 16:45-17:00 Oral Presentation

Innovative Approaches in Hydrological Modeling: Analyzing Water Vapor Transport Trajectories in the Amazon Basin

karel Sanchez Hernandez Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito
7 17:00-17:15 Oral Presentation

Statistical analysis of a large hydraulic and hydrological dataset for mudflows and debris flows events in the South Tyrol region

Anna Prati Free University of Bolzano - Bozen
8 17:15-17:30 Invited Speech

Enhancing dam safety management using digital twin: application to Jatigede dam in Indonesia

Bo Dai Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute